Join the Team

JOIN US in changing how the world takes a gap year.

Passionate about gap years? Want to use your skills in a real-world situation and gain work experience with an international team during COVID-19? Have ideas, motivation, and enthusiasm? Consider applying to join our growing team!

We have available positions in a variety of fields and commitments. We’d love to hear from you!


This is a project-based position that will allow you put your technological skills to use and see visible results by implementing changes and new features on our website.


Work with the team to create financial plans, document operating costs and other expenses.

Marketing & Outreach

Facilitate connections and collaborations with other organizations and companies as we grow our community.

Content – Team Member or Team Lead

Work with our Content Team to create projects and useful content on our Instagram, website, social media and more.


Help with day-to-day operations within the Gapyearly website, social media, outreach, community, and more.

If you’re interested in joining the team, please fill out this form and we’ll get back to you soon!